Profile of services performed in the red room of a trauma center in the federal district




Health profile, Hospital assistance, Emergencynursing, Hospital rapid response team


Objective:Todescribetheclinicalandepidemiological profile ofpatientstreated in a red trauma room in a public hospital in the Federal District. Methods:Quantitative, descriptive, cross-sectionalandanalyticalstudy, using data fromtheredroomadmissions book fromJanuary 2018 toJanuary 2019. Results:Ofthe 456 patientsseen, 77.2% were male, mean age 37 years, 34% arrivedatnight, 70.6% came fromurbanpublicroads, 37.9% arrivedbyambulancefromtheFireDepartment. 32.5% werereferredtotheoperatingroom, 16.2% werevictimsofbeingrun over and 32.7% withTraumaticBrainInjury. Ofthescalesthatwerepossibletobeevaluated, 41.9% obtained grade 8 withanaverageof 6 points. Conclusion:Traumaticbraininjurywasthemostprevalentinjury/disease, andthemost common clinicaloutcomewasreferraltotheoperatingroom. The informationfound in thisresearchis in accordancewiththeBrazilian reality confirmedbytheliterature.

Author Biographies

Taynara Bispo Conceição

Nurse. Residency by the Multiprofessional Program in Urgency and Trauma of the Higher School of Health Sciences (ESCS).

Iasmin Samya Aires de Sousa

Nurse linked to the Hospital das Clínicas of the Federal University of Triângulo Mineiro, Minas Gerais. Residency by the Multiprofessional Program in Urgency and Trauma of the Higher School of Health Sciences (ESCS)

Ronaldo Carneiro Ferreira Junior

Nurse. Residency completed by the Multidisciplinary Program in Urgency and Trauma at the Higher School of Health Sciences (ESCS) and current resident by the Multidisciplinary Program in Nephrology also at the Higher School of Health Sciences (ESCS).

Rauan Sousa da Hora

Nurse. Residency by the Multiprofessional Program in Urgency and Trauma of the Higher School of Health Sciences (ESCS).

Kamila Sales Vidão Alves

Nurse. Residency by the Multiprofessional Program in Urgency and Trauma of the Higher School of Health Sciences (ESCS).

Samara Silva de Queiroz

Nurse. Residency by the Multiprofessional Program in Urgency and Trauma of the Higher School of Health Sciences (ESCS).

Dayanne Gomes Santos do Carmo

Enfermeira vinculada à Secretaria de Estado de Saúde do Distrito Federal. Residência pelo Programa Multiprofissional em Urgência e Trauma da Escola Superior de Ciências da Saúde (ESCS) e foi preceptora pelo mesmo.

Moisés Wesley

Nurse linked to the State Department of Health of the Federal District. Master in Medical Sciences from the University of Brasília (UnB). Preceptor for the Multiprofessional Residency Program in Urgency and Trauma at the School of Health Sciences (ESCS). Professor of the Nursing course at the Higher School of Health Sciences (ESCS)


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How to Cite

Bispo Conceição, T., Aires de Sousa, I. S., Carneiro Ferreira Junior, R., Sousa da Hora, R., Sales Vidão Alves, K., Silva de Queiroz, S., Gomes Santos do Carmo, D., & Wesley, M. (2022). Profile of services performed in the red room of a trauma center in the federal district. Saúde Coletiva (Barueri), 12(83), 11996–12009.



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