Characterization of users of the first smoking cessation group in the municipality of olho d'água grande




Abandonment of tobacco use, Devices for the abandonment of tobacco use, Smoking


Objective: to characterize the users of the first smoking cessation group in the municipality of Olho d'Água Grande according to the degree of dependence. Method: This is a cross-sectional epidemiological study, with data obtained from records in the medical records of patients assisted in a smoking group in 2021, located in the Pharmaceutical Supply Center (CAF) of the municipality of Olho d'Água Grande, Alagoas. Result: As a result, a prevalence of women was identified, 60.86% of the participants; 34.78% of the subjects abandoned treatment; the method chosen for cessation of tobacco was the gradual stop, where 100% of the participants were adhered; individuals used the nicotine patch or association with bupropion as drug therapy; 46.66% of men and 53.33% of women ceased tobacco use. Conclusion: The data obtained reveal a good therapeutic response in relation to smoking cessation, where the male sex achieved greater success in the treatment.

Author Biographies

Paulo Victor Cadete Borges

Medical Students at Tiradentes University Center

Samuel Luz Santos

Medical Students at Tiradentes University Center

Natalia Luzia Fernandes Vaz

Medical Students at Tiradentes University Center

Nathaly Gabryelle de Almeida Batista

Medical Students at Tiradentes University Center

Vanessa Cavalcante Mendes

Medical Students at Tiradentes University Center

Allan Mike Vieira Brazil

Physician, graduated from the Federal University of Alagoas, Master in Health Education

Margarete Batista da Silva

Nurse, graduated from Centro Universitário Tiradentes.

Linda Concita Nunes Araujo

Nurse, graduated from Centro Universitário Tiradentes, Master in Nursing from Universidade Federal de Alagoas


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How to Cite

Borges, P. V. C., Santos, S. L., Vaz, N. L. F., Batista, N. G. de A., Mendes, V. C., Brazil, A. M. V., Silva, M. B. da, & Araujo, L. C. N. (2022). Characterization of users of the first smoking cessation group in the municipality of olho d’água grande. Saúde Coletiva (Barueri), 12(83), 12154–12165.



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