Characterization of users of the first smoking cessation group in the municipality of olho d'água grande
Abandonment of tobacco use, Devices for the abandonment of tobacco use, SmokingAbstract
Objective: to characterize the users of the first smoking cessation group in the municipality of Olho d'Água Grande according to the degree of dependence. Method: This is a cross-sectional epidemiological study, with data obtained from records in the medical records of patients assisted in a smoking group in 2021, located in the Pharmaceutical Supply Center (CAF) of the municipality of Olho d'Água Grande, Alagoas. Result: As a result, a prevalence of women was identified, 60.86% of the participants; 34.78% of the subjects abandoned treatment; the method chosen for cessation of tobacco was the gradual stop, where 100% of the participants were adhered; individuals used the nicotine patch or association with bupropion as drug therapy; 46.66% of men and 53.33% of women ceased tobacco use. Conclusion: The data obtained reveal a good therapeutic response in relation to smoking cessation, where the male sex achieved greater success in the treatment.
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