Vaccination situation and severity of hospitalization due to severe acute respiratory syndrome due to COVID 19, Maranhão, 2021




COVID-19, Hospitalization, COVID-19 Vaccines, Vaccines


Objective: to characterize and compare hospitalizations due to COVID-19 in Maranhão, according to the vaccination status against the disease. Method: This is a retrospective cohort study, based on secondary data. Results: In 2021, 13,257 individuals hospitalized with COVID-19 were registered, of which 6,425 (48.46%) evolved to discharge after non-serious hospitalization, 1,573 (11.87%) evolved to discharge with severe hospitalization and 5,259 (39 .67%) evolved to death. In all three outcomes of the evolution of hospitalizations, the number of unvaccinated individuals is much higher when compared to those vaccinated. Conclusion: Our results reinforce the important role of vaccination in reducing the severity of hospitalizations due to COVID-19. With the immunization of the state population, few hospitalized individuals who were immunized evolved to severe discharge and death.

Author Biographies

Rafaela Duailibe Soares

Master in Family Health-RENASF
Professional training: Nurse
Position held: Doctoral student in Collective Health
Institution to which it belongs: Federal University of Maranhão

Rejane Christine de Sousa Queiroz

PhD in Public Health
Professional training: dental surgeon.
Occupation: Associate Professor
Institution to which it belongs: Federal University of Maranhão.

Bruno Feres de Souza

Title: PhD
Professional background: PhD in Sciences, Computing area, from the University of São Paulo.
Occupation: Associate Professor
Institution to which it belongs: Federal University of Maranhão.

Maria dos Remédios Freitas Carvalho Branco

Title: Doctorate in Tropical Medicine and International Health
Professional training: Medical infectologist
Occupation: Associate Professor
Institution to which it belongs: Federal University of Maranhão.


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How to Cite

Duailibe Soares, R., de Sousa Queiroz, R. C., Feres de Souza, B., & Freitas Carvalho Branco, M. dos R. (2023). Vaccination situation and severity of hospitalization due to severe acute respiratory syndrome due to COVID 19, Maranhão, 2021. Saúde Coletiva (Barueri), 13(84), 12460–12467.



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