Teenage pregnancy, Adolescent health, maternal and child health, Time series studies, Descriptive epidemiologyAbstract
The objective was to analyze the temporal trend of the birth rate (TN) in adolescence in Brazil and regions between 2010 and 2019. This is an ecological study, of a time series, with data from the Information System on Live Births (SINASC). The tendency of TN in adolescence was observed by Prais-Winsten regression. There were 5,201,510 births to teenage mothers, the majority being among mixed races (62.8%), with 8-11 years of schooling (60.4%) and single (65.9%). The highest NT averages were observed in the North (93/1,000) and Northeast (69.6/1,000). There was a decreasing tendency for NT in adolescents aged between 10 and 14 years (VPA -2.89; 95%CI -5.24; -0.47;) in all regions, except for the Southeast. For those between 15 and 19 years old (VPA -2.84; 95%CI -4.82; -0.82;) there was a downward trend across the country. Despite the downward trend, NT is still higher in regions with the worst socioeconomic indices.
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