Perception of dentistry students about organ donation and human teeth bank
Tooth; Teaching; Bioethics; Legislation; Bank of Human TeethAbstract
Objective: Identify, through a questionnaire applied to undergraduate Dentistry students at a university in the City of São Paulo, the origin of teeth obtained for use in preclinical training. Method: This is an exploratory and descriptive study, of a qualitative and quantitative nature, carried out from August to December 2018, the sample consisted of 2404 respondents, the research was submitted to the Ethics and Research Committee, according to the Resolution 510/16. Results: Only 40% know the legal value of the extracted tooth as an organ, about 46% of the students obtained teeth by purchase and the rest obtained them free of charge at dental clinics or veterancolleagues. Conclusion: Through the results, it is concluded that there is a need to publicize the activities of human teeth banks not only in academia, but for the entire population in order to raise awareness of the academic community and curb illegal trade.
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