Elderly; Primary health care; Transitional care; Patient discharge; Home care.Abstract
Objective: To analyze the perception of primary health care professionals about the care offered to dependent elderly people and their families after hospital discharge. Method: A descriptive study, with a qualitative approach, carried out with 16 primary health care professionals, assigned to a previously selected Basic Health Unit. The collection period was from November 2020 to May 2021. Semi-structured interviews were conducted, the content of which was organized into thematic categories according to Content Analysis and discussed in the light of the Transitions theory proposed by Afaf Ibrahim Meleis. Results: Three categories emerged from the analysis: actions developed at home and shared with the family; care for the family and for the person of the caregiver; feelings, satisfaction and challenges of the team. Conclusion: It was observed that professionals are aware of the importance of comprehensive care for the elderly in the hospital-home transition, but face structural obstacles to making it a reality.
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