



Prostate cancer; Mortality; Risk factors; Health profile; Epidemiological profile of ethnic groups


Objective: To analyze the temporal trend of prostate cancer mortality in the country and macro-regions from 2012 to 2021. Methods: This is an ecological, descriptive and exploratory study of prostate cancer in Brazil from 2012 to 2021. Standardized mortality rates (SMR) were calculated. The time trend was stipulated by Prais-Winsten regression. Results: The highest PMR averages in Brazil were for the Midwest region with 61.70 deaths per 100,000 men (standard deviation - SD=4.25), followed by the Northeast with 60.71 deaths/100,000 (SD=1.77). The Midwest region had an annual percentage change (APC) between 55-59 years of -5.07% (95% confidence interval - 95%CI = -8.44; -1.57), while in the Northeast it was -1.75% (95%CI = -2.43; -1.05). The indigenous race in Brazil had a PAV of 5.58% (95%CI = 1.35; 10.03). Conclusion: The temporal trend in the Midwest and Northeast between 55-59 years of age was downward in Brazil, while mortality in the indigenous race in Brazil pattern was upward.


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How to Cite

Dantas, L. G., Campos, A. H. P. S., Lima, Y. S., Barretto, J. S. de A., Sobral Neto, J. M., Lopes Pionorio, V. A., Calazans Batista, J. F., & Lima, S. O. (2024). EPIDEMIOLOGICAL PROFILE AND TREND IN PROSTATE CANCER MORTALITY IN BRAZIL AND ITS REGIONS FROM 2012 TO 2021. Saúde Coletiva (Barueri), 14(90), 13412–13422. https://doi.org/10.36489/saudecoletiva.2024v14i90p13412-13422



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