Public Health; Learning; teaching material; teaching; nursing.Abstract
This work describes the interdisciplinary experience of teachers of technical Nursing and IT courses at a private school in Belo Horizonte, which has a partnership with the Trilhas do Futuro Program, created and administered by the Minas Gerais Department of Education. The guiding objective was to present the constructive and collaborative structuring by developing a messaging artifact, a chatbot structured in an applied way with the students of the IT course, in partnership with the content and context of the students of the Nursing course, for the health discipline Collective, focused on learning. The bot as a facilitator in this process, creating spaces for these students to actively build their knowledge. Seeking to apply models centered on the student and their experience for interaction in the (re)construction of the discipline's information and its content, taking into account the challenge of producing contextualized conversational interfaces. The teachers' initiative sought collective creation, the use of technologies, exploratory and descriptive methodology, the use of Design Thinking and pedagogical innovation, in the teaching-learning process. The construct was titled "Susan", whose name was strategically chosen to bring the bot closer to the acronym SUS (Sistema Único de Saúde), widely known and relevant in the context of public health. It is concluded that the construction of a conversational artifact, based on the perspectives of educational and informational practices, contributes to the student's interaction with knowledge through the constructed bot, by considering its evolution during the design process.
Descriptors: Public Health; Learning; teaching material; teaching; nursing.
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