Vulnerability of Black Women Living with HIV/Aids in the Metropolitan Region of Salvador (BA): an Analysis of Public Policy Management


  • JUCELIA BISPO DOS SANTOS Universidade da Integração Internacional da Lusofonia Afro-Brasileira



Vulnerability, STIs and HIV, Health, Black women


This article presents the results of studies and research using a qualitative approach, complemented by quantitative data. In this way, it aims to identify contexts of vulnerability among different population groups, with a special focus on access, results, processes, routines
and models of STI and AIDS programs among black women. The research reveals that this group faces significant barriers in accessing health services, often due to socio-economic factors, racial discrimination and gender inequality. The results indicate that black women have higher rates of STI and HIV infection compared to other groups. This disparity can be attributed to a combination of factors, including less access to information and preventive resources, as well as less efficient health care that is less sensitive to their specific needs. Racial discrimination and economic inequality directly influence opportunities to access quality health services. Another important point
of the study is the analysis of program models aimed at tackling STIs and AIDS. Many current programs show limitations in their specific approach to black women, often failing to consider the cultural, social and economic realities that impact this group. For example, programs that do not directly address the issue of racial discrimination or that do not offer economic support can be ineffective.


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How to Cite

SANTOS, J. B. D. (2025). Vulnerability of Black Women Living with HIV/Aids in the Metropolitan Region of Salvador (BA): an Analysis of Public Policy Management. Saúde Coletiva (Barueri), 15(92), 13923–13946.



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