The Quality Of Aging Of Transgender Individuals In Brazil
Aging, Geriatrics, Quality of life, Transgender people, Transsexuality, BrazilAbstract
Objective: to collect data on the living conditions that hinder the aging of transgender individuals. Method: this is an integrative literature review, carried out from February to July 2024, with a search for studies in the PubMed and Lilacs databases, whose corpus of analysis was 12 articles. Results: the research identified a series of obstacles that transgender people need to face daily to survive and that directly interfere with the quality of their aging, these obstacles being characterized by precarious access to health care, prejudice, discrimination, and abandonment. Conclusion: it was found that the aging conditions of trans people in Brazil are precarious due to extreme prejudice and the lack of social and family support and that more studies need to be carried out in this area.
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