Epidemiological Profile of Deaths from Viral Hepatitis in the South Region, 2012-2022





Human viral hepatitis, Epidemiology, Observational study


Objective: to describe the epidemiological profile of deaths from viral hepatitis in the southern region of Brazil from 2012 to 2022. Methods: ecological, descriptive, exploratory and retrospective study. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics. Results: there were 5,781 deaths from viral hepatitis. The highest number of deaths occurred in 2012 (667) and the lowest in 2021 (336), with a downward
trend from 2017 onwards. The majority of deaths occurred in men (62.6%), whites (82.4%), aged between 60 and 69 (30.4%). Rio Grande do Sul had the highest number of deaths. The majority of deaths were in hospital (89.2%), and chronic viral hepatitis was the most common (84.5%). Conclusion: The data indicate that health policies are not very effective and that more effective interventions are needed. The high prevalence of chronic hepatitis and sociodemographic disparities highlight the importance of strengthening prevention and education strategies.

Author Biographies

Lucas Benedito Fogaça Rabito, State University of Maringá

Nurse. Master's student in Nursing from the Postgraduate Program in Nursing at the State University of Maringá (UEM).

Endric Passo Matos , State University of Maringá

Nurse. PhD student in Nursing from the Postgraduate Program in Nursing at the State University of Maringá (UEM).

Rejane Santos Barreto , State University of Feira de Santana

Nurse. PhD student in Public Health at the Postgraduate Program in Public Health at the State University of Feira de Santana (UEFS). Assistant Professor at the Department of Health Sciences at the State University of Santa Cruz (UESC).

Matheus Mendes Pascoal , State University of Paraná

Nurse. Master's student in the Interdisciplinary Program in Society and Development at the State University of Paraná (UNESPAR).

Felipe Fabbri , State University of Maringá

Nurse. Master's student in Nursing from the Postgraduate Program in Nursing at the State University of Maringá (UEM).

Nathalie Campana de Souza, State University of Maringá

Nurse. PhD student in Nursing from the Postgraduate Program in Nursing at the State University of Maringá (UEM).

Débora Regina de Oliveira Moura , State University of Maringá

Nurse. Post-doctorate in Nursing from the Polytechnic Institute of Leiria – Portugal. Adjunct Professor at the Department of Nursing (DEN) and Postgraduate Program in Nursing (PSE) at the State University of Maringá (UEM).

Rafaely de Cassia Nogueira Sanches , State University of Maringá

Nurse. PhD in Nursing from the Postgraduate Program in Nursing at the State University of Maringá (UEM). Adjunct Professor at the Department of Nursing (DEN), Postgraduate Program in Nursing (PSE) and the Integrated Multidisciplinary Residency in Urgent and Emergency Care at the State University of Maringá (UEM).


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How to Cite

Rabito, L. B. F., Matos , E. P., Barreto , R. S., Pascoal , M. M., Fabbri , F., de Souza, N. C. de, Moura , D. R. de O., & Sanches , R. de C. N. (2025). Epidemiological Profile of Deaths from Viral Hepatitis in the South Region, 2012-2022. Saúde Coletiva (Barueri), 15(92), 13843–13855. https://doi.org/10.36489/saudecoletiva.2024v14i92p13843-13855



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