Aging and Vulnerability to Suicide: an Overview of the Central-Western Region of Brazil
Epidemiology, Elderly, Suicide, MortalityAbstract
Objective: To describe the epidemiological profile of elderly suicide victims in the Midwest region of Brazil. Method: An epidemiological, quantitative, retrospective study of deaths by suicide among elderly people in the Midwest region between 2018 and 2022. The data was obtained from the Mortality Information System, considering voluntary self-harm (ICD 10 X60 to X84), and analyzed according to descriptive statistics. Results: There were 953 deaths by suicide among the elderly population, with the highest number of records in 2022 and in the state of Goiás. The majority of victims were male, aged between 60 and 69, married, white and with low levels of education. The most common means of death were hanging, strangulation and suffocation. Conclusion: The findings may contribute to the formulation of interventions aimed at the profile found, with improved prevention strategies.
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