Fecal Immunochemical Test as a Screening Tool For Colorectal Cancer in the Riverside Population of Lower São Francisco





Colorectal Cancer, Screening Programs, Occult Blood, Population Health


Introduction: Colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer in the world and the second most common cause of mortality. Although preventable, barriers such as limited access to healthcare make early detection difficult in vulnerable populations. The study evaluated the Fecal Immunochemical Test as an accessible tool for detecting occult blood in feces for screening colorectal cancer in riverside communities in the Lower São Francisco River. Method: This cross-sectional study analyzed 415 participants in 9 riverside municipalities during expeditions in 2022 and 2023, using the Fecal Immunochemical Test. Positive results were referred for colonoscopy and statistical analysis was performed. Result: The study analyzed 415 fecal immunochemical tests, with positivity of 12.45% in 2022 and 18.39% in 2023. Própriá (SE) presented the highest positive rates in both years. In 2022, the distribution of positive results was more dispersed (SD=2.83) and non-normal (p=0.004), while in 2023, the data were more uniform (SD=1.51) and normally distributed (p=0.416). Conclusion: The Fecal Immunochemical Test was effective in screening, but the lack of follow-up and colonoscopies limits validation. Future research should focus on standardization and improvements in access to tests.


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How to Cite

Resende, D. M., Jucá, M. J., Cavalcanti, E. A. H., & Santos, A. J. dos. (2025). Fecal Immunochemical Test as a Screening Tool For Colorectal Cancer in the Riverside Population of Lower São Francisco. Saúde Coletiva (Barueri), 15(92), 14064–14075. https://doi.org/10.36489/saudecoletiva.2024v14i92p14064-14075



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