Recognition of Signs and Symptoms of Stroke by University Students: an Integrative Review
Cerebrovascular accident, signs and symptoms, knowledge, StudentAbstract
INTRODUCTION: Stroke is a serious clinical condition with high global and national morbidity and mortality, surpassing heart attack as the leading cause of death. The number of deaths in Brazil due to stroke has been progressively increasing, with 50,133 cases by August
2024. OBJECTIVE: This study aims to investigate the level of knowledge of university students about the signs and symptoms of stroke. METHOD: This is an Integrative Literature Review guided by the following question: “Do university students know how to recognize the signs and symptoms of stroke?”. RESULTS: The studies showed that students in the health area performed better in the questionnaires, as well as a deficit in recognizing the less specific signs and symptoms of stroke. CONCLUSION: The need to organize educational strategies to reach the lay university public was identified in order to raise awareness about the relevance of stroke beyond health professionals.
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