Training of Healthcare Workers in the Care of non-Communicable Diseases: a Systematic Review on Quality and Clinical Pratice Impacts




Non-communicable diseases, Public health, Revision, Human resources, Systematic review, Evidence-based clinical practice


Objective: To develop a systematic review of the characteristics of the workforce in the national health system, focusing on training on non-communicable diseases and the quality of care for people with these conditions. Method: The acronym PEO was used: P for Population (health workers who care for people with non-communicable diseases), E for Exposure (worker training) and O for Outcome (quality of care). The search was conducted in five databases: Embase, PubMed/Medline, LILACS, Scopus and Web of Science. Descriptive studies that reported training and results obtained were included. Results: The studies were evaluated by mean difference with standard deviation, mean difference and absolute and relative frequencies on Likert scales or questionnaires. Conclusion: Training methods, care for non-communicable diseases and measurement scales showed wide variation. All studies indicated improvements in health skills in the care of non-communicable diseases.


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How to Cite

Amadigi , F. R., Luiza Sheyla Evenni Porfírio Will Castro, Dutra-Horstmann, K. L., Honnef, L. R., Comann, A. C. de L., Fabris, G., & Lino, M. M. (2025). Training of Healthcare Workers in the Care of non-Communicable Diseases: a Systematic Review on Quality and Clinical Pratice Impacts. Sa´úde Coletiva (Barueri), 15(93), 14332–14357.



Literature Review