Physical Activity Levels and Nonspecific Chronic Low Back Pain
Chronic nonspecific low back pain, Physical activity, ExerciseAbstract
Nonspecific Low Back Pain (NLBP) is one of the leading causes of disability worldwide, negatively impacting the quality of life of those affected, generating significant costs for health systems. The evidence in the last two decades has revolutionized the approach and treatment of cases, and some edges such as the levels of physicial activity in terms of the characteristics of the practices, frequency, intensity are vague and not very detailed in general in publications on the subject. The objective is to investigate the relationships between physical activity levels and chronic nonspecific low back pain. Thus, this study involves a literature review of studies published from 2012 to 2024 in English and Portuguese, with convergence with the proposed theme and objective. The pubmed, SsciELO, Cochrane Libraly, Scopus, Web of Science, Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro) platforms. Based on the inclusion and selection criteria, 35 studies were selected. It was evident in relation to the levels of physical activity that there is a need for further study of thme theme by the different studies, but that there is a predominance of indications for moderate-intensity pratices. Gradual exposure to aerobic, strengthening/resistance, coordination/stabilization, and motor control exercises, preferably in multimodal strategies such as combined strategies with cognition, as well as yoga, both performed individually ans in groups, indicate symptomatic and functional benefits for people with Nonspecific Low Back Pain (NLBP).
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