The Usability of Mechanical Ventilation and Its Interface with Nursing Care: An Integrative Review




Mechanical ventilation, Nursing, Knowledge, Intensive care unit


Introduction: Mechanical ventilation is one of the main life-support resources for critically ill patients. Therefore, it is essential for nurses to be trained to provide safe and high-quality care, as they play a key role in the early detection of inadequate interactions between the patient and the ventilator. Objective: To verify, through an integrative literature review, whether the usability of mechanical ventilators is part of the care process. Method: This is an integrative literature review conducted in three databases in September 2024. Results: Despite mechanical ventilation being crucial in the management of critically ill patients, there is a significant deficit in nurses’ knowledge, revealing a gap between perceived knowledge and actual practice. Conclusion: The importance of continuous training and education is highlighted to ensure high-quality care, addressing and bridging knowledge gaps.


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How to Cite

Coutinho, L. de S., Nascimento, J. S. A. do, Macedo, P. de O. de, Braga, M. E. M., Karam, M. de A., Oliveira, J. A. de, Bertolossi Marta, C., & Santos de Oliveira, E. (2025). The Usability of Mechanical Ventilation and Its Interface with Nursing Care: An Integrative Review. Sa´úde Coletiva (Barueri), 15(93), 14620–14629.



Integrative Review