Gender Differences in Common Mental Disorders and Suicidal Thoughts Among Formal Workers in Brazil
Mental Health, Worker, Suicidal ideation, Mental disordersAbstract
This study examines mental health and suicidal thoughts among workers in Ceará. Objective: To describe the prevalence of suicidal thoughts and Common Mental Disorders by gender and job position. Method: Cross-sectional study with data from 2021–2022, using the Self-Report Questionnaire and a sociodemographic survey, approved by the University of Fortaleza Ethics Committee. Results: higher prevalence of suicidal thoughts among women (2.7%, n=23) than among men (1.0%, n=27). Higher prevalence of Common Mental Disorders among women (12.0%, n=102) than among men (3.2%, n=84). The prevalence of women with Common Mental Disorders and suicidal thoughts was higher in administrative positions (84.6%, n=11); among men, in operational positions (47.6%, n=10). Conclusion: The association between the risk of depression and anxiety in women is confirmed and suicide prevention is recommended in work contexts.
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