Turmeric-Based Oral Rinses in Oral Mucositis Management: Advances, Mechanisms, and Challenges


  • Márcia Marillac Cardoso Oliveira Odontóloga graduada pela UFRN. Especialista em Programa de Saúde da Família pela Faculdade de Ciências Médicas/FCM e Mestranda no Programa de Pós-graduação em Biotecnologia/Universidade Potiguar/Ânima Educação. https://orcid.org/0009-0001-5144-2840
  • Irami Araújo Filho Médico Graduado pela UFRN. Doutor em Ciências da Saúde pela UFRN e Ph.D pela Universidade Sorbonne/Paris Diderot/Cirurgia Experimental. Atualmente é Professor Efetivo do Programa de Pós-Graduação Profissional Mestrado/Doutorado em Biotecnologia da Universidade Potiguar/Ânima Educação https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2471-7447
  • Amália Cinthia Meneses Rêgo Farmacêutica Doutora em Ciências da Saúde pela UFRN. Coordenadora e docente no Programa de Pós-graduação em Biotecnologia/Universidade Potiguar. https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0575-3752




Curcuma, Curcumin, Stomatitis, Mouthwash, Chemoradiotherapy


Objective: to evaluate the effectiveness of turmeric/curcumin-based oral rinses in preventing and reducing oral mucositis in patients undergoing chemo-radiotherapy. Methods: we conducted a systematic search across major databases covering studies published from 2014 to October 2024. Randomized clinical trials and literature reviews evaluating the efficacy of curcumin-based oral rinses were selected. Studies using different turmeric formulations (capsules, gels, or combinations with other compounds) were excluded. Results and Conclusion: fourteen studies were included. Findings suggest that curcumin-based oral rinses delay the onset of mucositis and reduce its severity, although they do not entirely prevent its occurrence. These rinses are safe, easy to use, and well-tolerated. However, methodological limitations were identified, such as small sample sizes and dosage variability. More robust clinical trials are necessary to validate these findings and improve curcumin bioavailability to enhance its effectiveness in oral mucositis treatment.


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How to Cite

Oliveira, M. M. C., Filho, I. A., & Rêgo, A. C. M. (2025). Turmeric-Based Oral Rinses in Oral Mucositis Management: Advances, Mechanisms, and Challenges. Sa´úde Coletiva (Barueri), 15(93), 14881–14894. https://doi.org/10.36489/saudecoletiva.2025v15i93p14881-14894



Integrative Review