SORORITY IN NURSING: giving voice to black women victims of violence


  • Patrí­cia da Costa Teixeira
  • Thaí­s da Silva Oliveira
  • Leila Tomazinho de Lacerda Duamarde
  • Evelyn Alves Coura
  • Gabriela Priscila Goveia Faria
  • Jorge Unsonst Filho
  • Ludmila Santos Antunes



Violence Against Women, Domestic Violence, Gender–Based Violence, Nursing, African Continental Ancestry Group


The objective of this research was to describe the impact of domestic violence suffered on black women in the municipality of Cabo Frio and to prepare an informative lecture on domestic violence and its consequences for black women and their families. It was a descriptive-exploratory research with a qualitative approach. Three women were interviewed, participating in Rede das Pretas. All the interviewees suffered psychological violence, as it is difficult to identify violence, none of the aggressors was reported. However, these victims managed to break the cycle of violence and live far from their aggressors. It was seen that some data diverged from the literature in relation to the profile of the aggressor and the level of education of women. It is concluded that the objectives were achieved, since it was possible to describe the impact of domestic violence suffered on black women, in the municipality of Cabo Frio. This research is of great importance to society, as it supports the admission of better conduct in welcoming women victims of domestic violence. In nursing, it is relevant for professional improvement, the adoption of humanized assistance, established in sorority and empathy.

Author Biographies

Patrí­cia da Costa Teixeira

Master in Nursing from the State University of Rio de Janeiro Professor at Veiga de Almeida University - Campus Cabo Frio – RJ.

Thaí­s da Silva Oliveira

Nursing Student at Veiga Almeida University - Campus Cabo Frio.

Leila Tomazinho de Lacerda Duamarde

Master in health, society and psychoanalysis; PhD student in education and health; Professor at Veiga de Almeida University - Cabo Frio, RJ.

Evelyn Alves Coura

Nursing Student at Veiga Almeida University - Campus Cabo Frio.

Gabriela Priscila Goveia Faria

Nursing Student at Veiga Almeida University - Campus Cabo Frio. 

Jorge Unsonst Filho

Nursing Student at Veiga Almeida University - Campus Cabo Frio.

Ludmila Santos Antunes

Nursing Student at Veiga Almeida University - Campus Cabo Frio.



How to Cite

da Costa Teixeira, P. ., da Silva Oliveira , T. ., Tomazinho de Lacerda Duamarde, L. ., Alves Coura , E. ., Goveia Faria , G. P. ., Unsonst Filho , J. ., & Santos Antunes , L. . (2020). SORORITY IN NURSING: giving voice to black women victims of violence. Saúde Coletiva (Barueri), 10(52), 2164–2181.



Artigos Cientí­ficos