Health promotion of nursing graduates: an integrative review


  • Beatriz Carvalho Espindola
  • Vera Maria Sabóia
  • Gabriela Silva dos Santos



Health Promotion, University, Nursing, Student Health Services


Objective: To analyze the Health Promotion activities offered by Universities to nursing students, based on national and international scientific production; and to identify the evidence of these interventions in view of the movement of Health Promoting Universities. Methods: Integrative literature review, using health descriptors, keywords and MeshTerms, carried out in the Latin American and Caribbean Literature databases in Health Sciences (LILACS), PubMed Central (PMC), Cochrane and Web of Science (WoS), from 2003 to 2019. Results: 14 articles were selected, which were grouped into the categories: Doing and training for health: evaluation of health promotion and Other Health Promotion needs. Conclusions: The health promotion strategies offered by universities to undergraduate students show concern with specific aspects of the development of the student's body, but it does not always result from the articulation between the demands and what is offered, regarding the health of university students. There was a need for further studies on the subject, which contribute to the construction of health policies and actions aimed at the university population, which needs to be attended to in its singularity.

Author Biographies

Beatriz Carvalho Espindola

Nurse. Master's Student in Health Care Sciences. Aurora de Afonso Costa Nursing School. Federal Fluminense University. Niterói, Rio de Janeiro.

Vera Maria Sabóia

Nurse. Titular Professor. Aurora de Afonso Costa Nursing School. Federal Fluminense University. Niterói, Rio de Janeiro.

Gabriela Silva dos Santos

PhD Student. Anna Nery School of Nursing. Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.



How to Cite

Carvalho Espindola, B. ., Maria Sabóia , V. ., & Silva dos Santos, G. (2020). Health promotion of nursing graduates: an integrative review. Saúde Coletiva (Barueri), 10(52), 2296–2313.



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