Radiofrequency associated with manual lymphatic drainage in facial rejuvenation


  • Samara Coelho Petitinga da Silva
  • Tialla Fernandes Nogueira de Castro
  • Cristina de Santiago Viana Falcão
  • Michelli Caroline de Camargo Barboza
  • Elismar Carneiro Alves de Sá da Costa
  • Aline Barbosa Teixeira Martins



Radiofrequency, Manual Lymphatic Drainage, Aging


Objective: To verify the effectiveness of radiofrequency associated with manual lymphatic drainage in facial rejuvenation. Methods: This was a longitudinal and interventional study conducted in the laboratory of the Aesthetics and Cosmetics Course of the University of Fortaleza (UNIFOR) from August to October 2019. Participants were recruited based on a database, totaling a sample of 4 volunteers and 8 sessions. Data were collected through evaluation form, comparative photos in order to verify the results obtained with the treatment. The research was approved by the Ethics Committee of the UNIFOR under opinion number 3,570,017. Results: There was improvement in the aspects of the skin such as improvement of the facial contour, hydration, furrow filling, lines. And reduction of facial edema. Conclusion: The use of radio frequency associated with Lymphatic drainage was beneficial in skin aging. It is suggested that one more volunteers and sessions are held in order to achieve even more results most significant.

Author Biographies

Samara Coelho Petitinga da Silva

Both Graduates in Aesthetics and Cosmetics in Aesthetics and Cosmetics - University of Fortaleza – UNIFOR.

Tialla Fernandes Nogueira de Castro

Both Graduates in Aesthetics and Cosmetics in Aesthetics and Cosmetics - University of Fortaleza – UNIFOR.

Cristina de Santiago Viana Falcão

Physiotherapist. Master in Public Health - UNIFOR. Specialist in Dermatofunctional Physiotherapy - UNIFOR. Professor at UNIFOR.

Michelli Caroline de Camargo Barboza

Physiotherapist. Specialist in Exercise Physiology at the Federal University of São Carlos - UFSCar. Master in Public Health from the University of Fortaleza - UNIFOR. PhD in Rehabilitation Sciences from the Federal University of Minas Gerais - UFMG. Professor at UNIFOR.

Elismar Carneiro Alves de Sá da Costa

Physiotherapist. Master's student in Public Health - UNIFOR. Specialist in Dermatofunctional Physiotherapy - UNIFOR. Professor at UNIFOR.

Aline Barbosa Teixeira Martins

Physiotherapist by UNIFOR. PhD in Medical-Surgical Sciences - Federal University of Ceará - UFC. Master in Public Health - UNIFOR. Specialist in Dermato-Functional Physiotherapy - UNIFOR. Professor at UNIFOR.



How to Cite

Coelho Petitinga da Silva , S. ., Fernandes Nogueira de Castro , T. ., de Santiago Viana Falcão, C. ., de Camargo Barboza, M. C. ., Carneiro Alves de Sá da Costa, E. ., & Barbosa Teixeira Martins, A. . (2020). Radiofrequency associated with manual lymphatic drainage in facial rejuvenation. Saúde Coletiva (Barueri), 10(55), 2765–2780.



Artigos Cientí­ficos