Case study: action of hyaluronic acid and natural assets in wound healing - Pharmacure®


  • Ana Karine Rocha de Pádua



Wound Healing, Phytotherapeutic Drugs, Plants, Medicinal, Erysipelas


Studies demonstrate promising effects of Phytotherapeutic drugs for the treatment of wounds of different etiologies. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the efficacy and benefits of using Pharmacure®, containing natural and phytotherapeutic drugs in the Erysipelas treatment. METHODS: A case study of a 57-year-old woman with an extensive lesion aresing from Erysipelas. Observations, measurements and photographic records were made weekly. Dressings were applied daily with cleaning and application of the Pharmacure® lotion. RESULTS: After 35 days, skin repair of the lesion, faster and positive wound healing evolution, approximation of the edges and better alignment were observed. The lesion healed completely in 122 days. DISCUSSION: The phytotherapic constituents of the lotion associated with hyaluronic acid are evidenced in the literature given their antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and healing potential. The nurse's interventions for the successful treatment of wounds are highlighted. CONCLUSION: Pharmacure® presented a promising coverage for tissue repair in patients with Erysipelas.

Author Biography

Ana Karine Rocha de Pádua

Bachelor in Nursing - Faculty Estacio de Sá (FESBH). Postgraduate in Adult Intensive Care (UNA). Postgraduate in Neo Intensive Care and Pediatrics - Santa Casa. Advanced Wound Care Postgraduate Course - Faculdade Ciências Médicas Belo Horizonte – MG.



How to Cite

Rocha de Pádua, A. K. . (2020). Case study: action of hyaluronic acid and natural assets in wound healing - Pharmacure®. Saúde Coletiva (Barueri), 10(55), 3013–3022.



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