The use of cupping therapy as a proposal to promote health for employees of a private university in Fortaleza – CE


  • Sarah Stephane Nunes Lopes
  • Vecia Maria de Souza Reis
  • Fábia Azambuja Pereira Salviano
  • Cristina de Santiago Viana Falcão
  • Michelli Caroline de Camargo Barboza
  • Aline Barbosa Teixeira Martins



Traditional Chinese Medicine, Quality of Life, Worker's Health


Objective: To evaluate the effects of cupping therapy as a way of promoting health among employees of a private University in Fortaleza-CE. Methodology: The study was carried out through an interventional and longitudinal research in the laboratories of the Course of Aesthetics and Cosmetics at the University of Fortaleza, in Fortaleza-CE. The collection period was from August to October 2019, twice a week with 08 employees who are allocated at the University, who were invited by e-mails, and by the laboratory technique at the University itself. Results: It was found that with the therapy approached there was an improvement in the quality of life, quality of sleep, improvement of mood, reduction of the use of medicines to sleep and reduction of pain, symptoms reported by the volunteers. Conclusion: The use of cupping therapy had several health benefits for the volunteers present in this study. Among them, we can highlight the improvement in the quality of sleep and consequently the increase of the disposition and improvement of the mood, providing greater quality of life.

Author Biographies

Sarah Stephane Nunes Lopes

Beautician and Cosmetologist at the University of Fortaleza - UNIFOR.

Vecia Maria de Souza Reis

Beautician and Cosmetologist at the University of Fortaleza - UNIFOR.

Fábia Azambuja Pereira Salviano

Physiotherapist. Master's in Health Education - UECE. Post-graduation in Dermatofunctional Physiotherapy - Unichistus. Professor at UNIFOR.

Cristina de Santiago Viana Falcão

Physiotherapist. Master's in Public Health - UNIFOR. Specialist in Dermatofunctional Physiotherapy - UNIFOR. Professor at UNIFOR.

Michelli Caroline de Camargo Barboza

Physiotherapist. Specialist in Exercise Physiology at the Federal University of São Carlos - UFSCar. Master's in Public Health from the University of Fortaleza - UNIFOR. PhD in Rehabilitation Sciences from the Federal University of Minas Gerais - UFMG. Professor at UNIFOR.

Aline Barbosa Teixeira Martins

Physiotherapist. PhD in Medical-Surgical Sciences - Federal University of Ceará - UFC. Master's in Public Health - UNIFOR. Specialist in Dermato-Functional Physiotherapy - UNIFOR. Professor at UNIFOR.



How to Cite

Nunes Lopes, S. S. ., de Souza Reis, V. M. ., Azambuja Pereira Salviano, F. ., de Santiago Viana Falcão, C. ., de Camargo Barboza, M. C. ., & Barbosa Teixeira Martins, A. . (2020). The use of cupping therapy as a proposal to promote health for employees of a private university in Fortaleza – CE. Saúde Coletiva (Barueri), 10(57), 3395–3406.



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