Occupational stress and health behaviors of nurses in a tertiary hospital in Fortaleza – Ceará


  • Francisco Ariclene Oliveira
  • Dayanna Cynthia Moura Melo
  • Ana Paula Lima Menezes dos Santos
  • Cláudia Patrí­cia Da Silva Ribeiro Menezes
  • Tamara Braga Sales
  • Maí­ra Maria Leite de Freitas
  • Lucélia Rodrigues Afonso




Nurse Practitioners, Occupational Stress, Burnout


Objective: Identify occupational stress factors and health behaviors of nurses in a tertiary hospital in Fortaleza-CE. Method: This is a cross-sectional, developed in a tertiary care hospital in Fortaleza, from October 2018 to March 2019. Result: The sample consisted of 134 nurses who were recruited through convenience sampling. A pre-coded structured questionnaire was used, with 12 closed multiple questions. It was found that 26.1% (n = 35) of the professionals use psychoactive substances and 61.9% (n = 83) had 1 to 5 signs/symptoms of stress. Conclusion: Thus, this study will be useful for managers to reflect on the factors that influence the quality of life of nurses, contributing to the implementation of actions that improve working conditions and favor worker protection.

Author Biographies

Francisco Ariclene Oliveira

Nurse. Federal University of Ceara.

Dayanna Cynthia Moura Melo

Nurse. Federal University of Ceara.

Ana Paula Lima Menezes dos Santos

Nurse. University of Fortaleza.

Cláudia Patrí­cia Da Silva Ribeiro Menezes

Nurse. Faculty of Quixeramobim.

Tamara Braga Sales

Nurse. Federal University of Ceara.

Maí­ra Maria Leite de Freitas

Nursing student at the Federal University of Ceará.

Lucélia Rodrigues Afonso

Nurse. Ceara State University.



How to Cite

Ariclene Oliveira , F. ., Moura Melo, D. C. ., Lima Menezes dos Santos, A. P. ., Da Silva Ribeiro Menezes, C. P. ., Braga Sales , T. ., Leite de Freitas , M. M. ., & Rodrigues Afonso , L. . (2020). Occupational stress and health behaviors of nurses in a tertiary hospital in Fortaleza – Ceará. Saúde Coletiva (Barueri), 10(57), 3439–3456. https://doi.org/10.36489/saudecoletiva.2020v10i57p3439-3456



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