Domestic abuse: reflecting on concepts and giving new meanings to practices on primary health care


  • Kamila de Castro Morais
  • Kadson Araujo da Silva
  • Samara Calixto Gomes
  • Camila Almeida Neves de Oliveira
  • João Paulo Xavier Silva
  • John Carlos de Souza Leite



Domestic Violence, Women, Primary Health Care


Objectives: Understand the domestic abuse against woman in the face of its concepts and the new meanings given to the practices of caring performed on the Primary Health Care (PHC). Method: This is a literature narrative review fulfilled from the search in the database Scielo through the health sciences descriptors, resulting in the findings of studies in portuguese, english and spanish. The searches were carried out between august and september from 2020. Results: 10 articles were selected to compose the research. As soon, it is observed that the domestic abuse against the woman context is filled with important milestones for guaranteeing rights and assistance to this population, generating the reframing of this practices. Conclusion: Believed in the need for the continued and permanent education of the professionals involved in healthcare assistance and the association of these professionals to social movements as well encouraging the reorientation to training and qualification on Health care.

Author Biographies

Kamila de Castro Morais

Academic of the Bachelor of Nursing course at the Regional University of Cariri - Decentralized Unit of Iguatu (URCA - UDI).

Kadson Araujo da Silva

Academic of the Bachelor of Nursing course at the Regional University of Cariri - Decentralized Unit of Iguatu (URCA - UDI).

Samara Calixto Gomes

Nurse. Master in Nursing. Professor in the Nursing course at URCA - UDI.

Camila Almeida Neves de Oliveira

Nurse. Master in Nursing. Professor in the Nursing course at URCA - UDI.

João Paulo Xavier Silva

Nurse. Master in Nursing. Professor in the Nursing course at URCA - UDI.

John Carlos de Souza Leite

Nurse. Master in Child and Adolescent Health. Professor in the Nursing course at URCA - UDI.



How to Cite

de Castro Morais, K. ., Araujo da Silva, K. ., Calixto Gomes, S. ., Almeida Neves de Oliveira, C. ., Xavier Silva, J. P. ., & de Souza Leite, J. C. . (2020). Domestic abuse: reflecting on concepts and giving new meanings to practices on primary health care. Saúde Coletiva (Barueri), 10(58), 3903–3912.



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