Collective health in the articulation of education and empowerment of Kalunga women: a systematic review


  • Sonilda Aparecida de Fátima Silva
  • Lúcia Helena Rincón Afonso
  • Vannúzia Leal Andrade Peres
  • José Xavier Rodovalho
  • Alda Nazaré Santos do Nascimento



Education, Empowerment, Enslavement, Access to health services


Objective: To systematize, map and recognize productions through methodological aspects and evidence identifying dominant and emerging themes and approaches. Method: a search was carried out on the Capes Journal Portal, with the descriptors "quilombos and Kalunga, education, health and empowerment", with a time frame from 2001 to 2019, electing a total of 41 articles for reading. Results: they pointed out a significant growth of academic productions elaborated on the quilombola communities - Kalunga, however the amount of findings is not very significant, compared to the village, especially women. Conclusion: it was noted that in the different approaches given by the analyzed studies, that the remaining quilombola communities have been fighting for the rights to education, health, citizenship, equality and territoriality. There has been a significant advance in the autonomy of Kalunga women, but it is still necessary for the political system to intervene with greater attention to this population, as discussions about the process of empowering Kalunga women are still incipient.

Author Biographies

Sonilda Aparecida de Fátima Silva

Pedagogue graduated from the Philosophy Faculty of Vale de São Patrí­cio (1994), Psychopedagogue (1996), School Administrator (1998) and Master in Cultural Heritage Management (PUC-2006). PhD student in Education at PUC-GO.

Lúcia Helena Rincón Afonso

Graduated in History. PhD in Education from Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (UNESP 2002). Adjunct Professor at the Pontifical Catholic University of Goiás.

Vannúzia Leal Andrade Peres

Psychologist. PhD in Psychology; Post Doctorate in Education (University of Brasilia).

José Xavier Rodovalho

Pedagogue, Business Administrator and Sociologist, Master in Education from UEX - University of Extremadura-ES, revalidation Pontifical Catholic University of Goiás -GO, PhD student in Psychology from PUC-GO.

Alda Nazaré Santos do Nascimento

Pedagogue, Psychologist. Specialist in School Management, Psychopedagogue, Neuropedagogue, Psychodramatist in Training. Master in Education and PhD student in Psychology at the Pontifical Catholic University of Goiás, Goiânia, Brazil. Professor of the Municipal Network of Goiânia.



How to Cite

de Fátima Silva, S. A. ., Rincón Afonso, L. H. ., Andrade Peres, V. L. ., Xavier Rodovalho, J. ., & Santos do Nascimento, A. N. . (2021). Collective health in the articulation of education and empowerment of Kalunga women: a systematic review . Saúde Coletiva (Barueri), 11(64), 5822–5833.



Artigos Cientí­ficos