Hypertriglycheridemic waist phenotype and kidney injury in hypertensive patients
Hypertriglyceridemic waist, Chronic Kidney Failure, Abdominal obesity, HypertensionAbstract
Objective: To verify the association between the hypertriglyceridemic waist phenotype (FCH) and the estimate of the glomerular filtration rate (eTFG) in hypertensive patients. Method: This was a cross-sectional and retrospective study, consisting of 146 medical records of hypertensive adults consulted between 2013 and 2017 at the HUUFMA Kidney Disease Prevention Center. Sociodemographic data, clinical conditions and laboratory tests were considered, these were analyzed by the statistical program SPSS 21.0®. Results: FCH was present in 84.2% (n = 123) of the sample and 65% (n =, of this, were women. The eRFG presented an average of 69.3 ± 23.9 mL / min in 1.73 m² in the group with FCH and a mean of 91.4 ± 42.6 mL / min in 1.73 m² in the group without FCH, with a significant association (p <0.05). Conclusions: The presence of FHC was associated with decreased eTFG, the increase in laboratory tests, anthropometric measurements and anthropometric indices.