Uso de tecnologias educativas no acompanhamento de Pacientes com síndrome metabólica
Síndrome Metabólica, Tecnologias;SaúdeAbstract
Objective: to analyze in the literature the use of educational technologies in patients with metabolic syndrome. Methods: an integrative review, the selection of articles was carried out in the ScIELO, PUBMED and LILACS databases from 2015 to 2020. 186 articles were found and 09 were selected. Results: the use of educational technologies in patients with Metabolic Syndrome had advantages, both in the follow-up of the adult and elderly population. Educational Technology resources used were: exercise training by telemonitoring, Weight control program by application, booklet, exergame, and nutritional education program Conclusion: the use of Educational Technologies reduces the risk of complications caused by metabolic syndrome, achieves improvement in mental health, ability to perform work and positive impact on style of life.