Scientific evidence for the self-care of people with intestinal stomas




Bowel Ostomy, Nursing Assistance, Personal care


Objective: to analyze the evidence on nursing care for the self-care of patients with intestinal ostomies. Methodology: This is an integrative review of articles available in the PUBMED® databases, Latin American and Caribbean Literature on Health Sciences (LILACS), International Literature on Health Sciences (MEDLINE), Nursing Databases (BDENF), Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), published between 2016 and 2021, based on the descriptors: “ostomy” (ostomy) and “nursing care” (nursing care) and “self care” (self care), in the months of January and February 2022. Results: Twelve articles were identified that presented the guidelines to be transmitted by nurses to ostomy patients for the promotion of self-care, according to Orem's Theory, specifically the Self-Care Deficit Theory. Conclusion: The patient with an intestinal ostomy fits into the self-care category due to health deviation and demands appropriate assistance and has to be aware of the effects and results of pathological states.

Author Biographies

Wanderson Alves Ribeiro

Nurse. Master and Doctoral Student at the Academic Program in Health Care Sciences at the Aurora de Afonso Costa Nursing School of the Fluminense Federal University UFF – Brazil; Postgraduate in Stomatherapy Nursing at the State University of Rio de Janeiro, RJ - Brazil; Professor of the Undergraduate and Postgraduate Nursing Course at the Iguaçu University. Nova Iguaçu, RJ – Brazil.

Fátima Helena do Espírito Santo

Nurse. PhD in Nursing; Associate Professor at the Medical-Surgical Nursing Department at the Aurora de Afonso Costa Nursing School of the Fluminense Federal University. Niterói, RJ – Brazil

Norma Valéria Dantas de Oliveira Souza

Nurse. PhD in Nursing; Full Professor at the Department of Medical-Surgical Nursing at the Faculty of Nursing at the State University of Rio de Janeiro - ENF/UERJ. Coordinator of the Postgraduate Course in Stomatherapy Nursing at the State University of Rio de Janeiro – UERJ.

Hosana Pereira Cirino

Nurse. Master by the Academic Program in Philosophical, Theoretical and Technological Foundations of Health Care and Nursing at the State University of Rio de Janeiro. Postgraduate in Nursing in an Intensive Care Unit and Stomology at the University of the State of Rio de Janeiro.

Luiz dos Santos

Nurse. Doctor by the Academic Program in Health Care Sciences at the Aurora de Afonso Costa Nursing School of the Fluminense Federal University UFF – Brazil. Adjunct Professor at the Medical-Surgical Nursing Department at the Fluminense Federal University (UFF). Technical Chamber / Elderly; Member of the Interdisciplinary Group for Research, Teaching, Technology and Innovation in Health (GIPETIS); Professor at the Multiprofessional Residency Program at the Antônio Pedro University Hospital (HUAP/UFF). Specialist in Gerontological Nursing from the Fluminense Federal University – UFF.

Maria de Nazaré de Souza Ribeiro

Nurse. Doctor of Science. Adjunct Professor at the Higher School of Health Sciences at the State University of Amazonas.


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How to Cite

Alves Ribeiro, W., do Espírito Santo, F. H., Dantas de Oliveira Souza, N. V., Pereira Cirino, H., dos Santos, L., & de Souza Ribeiro, M. de N. (2022). Scientific evidence for the self-care of people with intestinal stomas. Saúde Coletiva (Barueri), 12(77), 10746–10761.



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