Involvement with psychoactive substances by pregnant women attended at an ambulatory




Maternal and child health, High-risk pregnancy, Drug users, Nursing


Objective: to investigate the sociodemographic, gynecological and obstetrical profile and involvement with psychoactive substances by pregnant women assisted at an outpatient clinic in southern Brazil. Method: cross-sectional study, with a sample of 431 pregnant women. Data collection took place from August 2018 to July 2019, using the standardized instrument Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test and a sociodemographic and gynecological-obstetric questionnaire. The chi-square test was used for data analysis. Results: the prevalence of psychoactive substance use among pregnant women was 28.7%, with emphasis on alcohol and tobacco. Tobacco derivatives constitute the substance with the highest frequency of daily use (12.3%); that triggers greater desire/urge to consume daily (11.4%); highest rate of control attempts in the last three months (9.0%). Conclusion: the use of psychoactive substances encourages the development of educational actions that encourage awareness of its consequences during pregnancy, as well as the early identification of pregnant women to build reduction and/or abstinence strategies.

Author Biographies

Karen Barcelos Lopes , Hospital Universitário São Francisco de Paula

Enfermeira. Mestre em Enfermagem.

Juliane Portella Ribeiro, Universidade Federal de Pelotas

Enfermeira. Pós-doutora em Enfermagem.

Adrize Rutz Porto, Universidade Federal de Pelotas

Enfermeira. Doutora em Enfermagem.


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How to Cite

Lopes , K. B., Ribeiro, J. P., & Porto, A. R. (2023). Involvement with psychoactive substances by pregnant women attended at an ambulatory. Saúde Coletiva (Barueri), 13(85), 12490–12505.



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