Risks of human immunodeficiency acquired in childhood: Integrative Review





Acquired immunodeficiency, childhood, child health


Objective: To analyze and characterize the technical scientific production about the risks of childhood acquired immunodeficiency. Method: This is an Integrative Literature Review using the SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library On line), BDENF and LILACS platforms, aggregating scientific studies from 2013 to 2022, using the descriptors: acquired immunodeficiency; childhood; child health. Results: Based on the study, the year with a greater number of publications was 2013, as for the theme the studies address the prevention of vertical transmission, drug therapy and environmental and family factors. The findings of this study point to evidence that the risks of childhood acquired immunodeficiency are numerous and that care still represents a major challenge for those involved. Conclusion: The results contribute to the production of new research and knowledge on the subject, thus increasing the value of care for HIV-positive children.

Author Biographies

Lílian Natalia Ferreira De Lima

Master in Teaching Environmental Sciences by the Graduate Program in Environmental Sciences at the Faculty of Geosciences of the Federal University of Pará (UFPA). Specialist in Gender Diversity at School from the Federal University of Tocantins (UFT). Graduated in Natural Sciences-Biology from the State University of Pará (UEPA). Professor at the State University of Tocantins (UNITINS). Reviewer for Acervo Saúde Magazine. Leader of the Infectious and Neglected Diseases research group (DIN/UNITINS). Vice-coordinator of the Ethics and Research Committee at Unitins (CEP).

Raquel Machado Borges

Specialization in Epidemiology from the State University of Pará (1999). Specialization in Pedagogy for Nursing by the Federal University of Goiás (2005). Specialization in Nephrology in the online modality by the Federal University of São Paulo (2008).

Dennis Gonçalves Novaes

(State University of Tocantins (UNITINS)
Graduated in Nursing from Faculdade do Bico do Papagaio - FABIC (2013), Specialization in Nursing in Urgency and Emergency from Faculdade de Ciências de Wenceslau Brás - FACIBRA (2016), Specialization in Nursing in ICU from Faculdade de Ciências de Wenceslau Brás - FACIBRA (2016).

Tarcila Cristina Cunha Cavalcante

Municipal Secretary of Health of São Sebastião-TO

Katiane Gomes Gonçalves

Nursing technique; (State University of Tocantins (UNITINS).

Maria Gabriela Queiroz dos Santos Sousa

Nurse; Regional Hospital of Augustinópolis-TO

Querly Oliveira Silva

Nurse, graduated from the State University of Maranhão - UEMA (2012). Specialist in Urgency and Emergency (2013) and Obstetrics and Neonatology (2022). Works in the Special Indigenous Health District of Maranhão. She is currently the Technical Manager of the Imperatriz Indigenous Health House.

Maria Adenilda da Silva

Graduated in Psychology from the Federal University of Tocantins Foundation (2014). she is a traffic specialist, a specialist in people management and coaching, a specialist in clinical pathology. She has experience as a teacher in the field of Psychology since 2016, with an emphasis on Psychology. (State University of Tocantins (UNITINS)


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How to Cite

Ferreira De Lima, L. N., Machado Borges, R., Gonçalves Novaes, D., Cunha Cavalcante, T. C., Gomes Gonçalves, K., Queiroz dos Santos Sousa , M. G., Oliveira Silva, Q., & da Silva, M. A. (2023). Risks of human immunodeficiency acquired in childhood: Integrative Review. Saúde Coletiva (Barueri), 13(84), 12438–12451. https://doi.org/10.36489/saudecoletiva.2023v13i84p12438-12451



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