


Health Communication;, Professional Education in Public Health, Emergency Medical Services, Clinical Protocols.


Objective: This study aimed to identify the process of communicating bad news by health professionals who work in an Emergency Unit of a secondary care hospital in the health network of the Federal District, aiming to recognize the strategies and use of the SPIKES Protocol. Method: Observational, descriptive study with a qualitative and exploratory approach, carried out with 24 health professionals (nurses, nursing technicians, physiotherapists and doctors) working in the Emergency Room. Data collection was carried out through in-depth interviews with a semi-structured script, the analysis of which took place using the Iramuteq® software and Bardin's Content Analysis, thematic  categories. Result: It was evident that in the Emergency Room, professionals are unaware of the SPIKES Protocol and do not use any protocol to inform bad news to patients and family members. Conclusion: Professionals need professional training, as they report having difficulties in dealing with such situations.


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How to Cite

Cardoso, B. da S., Garcia , I. E., dos Santos , D. C., Félix, E. M., Rodrigues, L. P., da Silva , M. M., Cardoso, Ângela M. R., & Pereira, M. W. de M. (2023). KNOWLEDGE OF HEALTH PROFESSIONALS ABOUT COMMUNICATING BAD NEWS IN AN EMERGENCY ROOM. Saúde Coletiva (Barueri), 13(88), 13267–13282.



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