Depressive symptomatology in nursing students: integrative review




Mental Health;, Nursing Students, Depression


Objective: To conduct an integrative review to identify the main signs and symptoms of depression in nursing students, as well as to understand the factors related. Methods: Integrative review conducted using the Pubmed, MEDLINE, BDENF, and LILACS databases, conducted between August and October 2023. The descriptors used were extracted from DeCS and MeSH: "Mental Health"; "Nursing Students"; "Student Health"; "Mental Disorders". Results: The main depressive symptoms among nursing students from different countries, including Japan, Mexico, Brazil, Morocco, Greece, Spain, and others, were stress, anxiety, fear, nervousness, insomnia, and irritability. It was also evidenced that during the Covid-19 pandemic, other symptoms associated with depression were observed with greater severity, such as severe anxiety and fear of death. Conclusions: Considering that during the undergraduate course, students experience depressive feelings, it is extremely important for educational institutions to provide support, including access to counseling and emotional support programs.


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How to Cite

Messias Rodrigues, M. V., Gonçalves Maester, L. C., Alves Novais Ramos, K. L., Siqueira da Silva, H., Marinho de Araújo, C., Ferreira Lopes Nogueira, L. E., Machado Evangelista, D., & Coelho do Nascimento, J. C. (2024). Depressive symptomatology in nursing students: integrative review. Saúde Coletiva (Barueri), 13(88), 13401–12775.



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