Health Education for Diversity: Action Research with Preschool Children
Health Education, Child Rearing, Nursing, PrejudiceAbstract
Objective: to develop efficient health education strategies in schools, addressing social, racial and gender issues in the
school environment, in addition to other emerging demands in the interaction with the school community. Methods: this is an Action Research, with the use of playful pedagogical strategies worked in a participatory and dialogical way. Results: the development took place in two phases, one virtual and one in person, addressing several thematic axes and there were two evaluation moments with the educators of the institution in relation to the impacts of the activities. Conclusion: the proposal proved to be successful, with some weaknesses adjusted during the research, but the need for more studies in the area is reinforced. Contributions to practice: it reinforces the importance of nursing work in education and health promotion, with a report of a successful and potentially transformative experience for professionals, students and society.
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