An Ethical Analysis of the Regulation of Medical Teleconsultation in Brazil
Telemedicine, Telehealth, Ethics, Bioethics, LegislationAbstract
Objective: to analyze the main laws, norms and rules that regulate medical teleconsultation in Brazil from abioethical point of view. Method: This is a documentary analysis of the main regulatory instruments for medical
teleconsultation in Brazil. Law 14,510, December 27, 2022 and CFM Resolution 2,314/2022 were analyzed, which
deal with telemedicine in Brazil, and Law 14,442 of 2022, which concerns the regulation of teleworking in the
country. Result: The main bioethical issues in telemedicine are addressed in the set of documents. Such as
autonomy and consent, confidentiality and privacy, beneficence, doctor-patient relationship, equity and work
relationships. Conclusion: There is still a focus on principlist ethics in regulatory documents and, even
though the main issues have been addressed, there is still a lack of rules, norms and laws for bioethical
issues to date, which remains without legal support.
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