Factors Associated with Digital Literacy in the Health of Elderly People: an Integrative Review
Digital inclusion, Health literacy, Older adults, Gerontology, NursingAbstract
Objective: To verify in the scientific literature the factors associated with digital health literacy in older adults. Method: Integrative review conducted between November and December 2024, in the Scopus, Pubmed, Embase, Web of Science, and Lilacs databases. Results: The sample includes 7 articles published between 2018 and 2022. The factors associated with digital health literacy in older adults were: gender, household income, education level, marital status, occupation, cognitive impairment, chronic diseases, alcohol consumption, and social support. Educational level and social support networks promote digital literacy, while cognitive impairment, chronic diseases, and socioeconomic inequalities limit digital inclusion. Elderly women, people with low income, and lower education face greater difficulties in using technology. Conclusion: It is essential to promote digital inclusion strategies for older adults, regardless of their social conditions, contributing to achieving the third Sustainable Development Goal of the United Nations, which aims for health and well-being for all.
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