Analysis of the course completion works of the castle white university nursing graduation 2018.1


  • Maria Regina Bernardo da Silva
  • Francisca Regilene s de Sousa de Deus
  • Jéssica de Andrade Limeira
  • Halene Cristina Dias de Armada e Silva
  • Bruno Ferreira do Serrado Barbosa
  • Claudia da Silva de Medeiros
  • Erica Cristina do Nascimento



Article, Nursing Research, University


Higher education institutions (HEIs) provide every student with a way to enter this world of research. It is of utmost importance that there is a connection between the student and the research field since it has the prerogative of generating student profiles with a broader view on the researched subject. The work in question has as main objective to identify the difficulties of the students. nursing academics in the elaboration of the course conclusion works and decipher them thus facilitating the construction process. Leveraging the intellectual level of the student, introducing him into the universe of scientific research, centered on the search for knowledge and improvement as to the scientific level of the health professional, demystifying the definition of empirical performance previously imposed on the profession. Research emerges as a production art, resulting from an optional fruit. Research within the health field, especially Nursing to which this article is directed, is extremely relevant for the construction of knowledge in terms of students and professionals, considering that the levels of knowledge are different in terms of research and teaching. This knowledge gained during graduation establishes a scientific basis that guarantees the new professional of the job market a credibility and self-confidence capable of overcoming social stigmas.

Author Biographies

Maria Regina Bernardo da Silva

Master's in Family Health and Professor at Castelo Branco University and UNICBE.

Francisca Regilene s de Sousa de Deus

Nursing Student at Castelo Branco University.

Jéssica de Andrade Limeira

Nursing Student at Castelo Branco University.

Halene Cristina Dias de Armada e Silva

PhD student at UERJ, Coordinator of Cap 5.2 SMSRJ.

Bruno Ferreira do Serrado Barbosa

Post-doctor UERJ, Professor at Castelo Branco University, Inspector of Coren RJ.

Claudia da Silva de Medeiros

Master's in Family Health and Professor at Castelo Branco University.

Erica Cristina do Nascimento

Nurse. Specialization in Public Health and Infectious Diseases by FIOCRUZ.



How to Cite

Bernardo da Silva, M. R. ., de Sousa de Deus, F. R. s ., de Andrade Limeira , J., Dias de Armada e Silva, H. C. ., Ferreira do Serrado Barbosa, B. ., da Silva de Medeiros, C. ., & do Nascimento, E. C. . (2020). Analysis of the course completion works of the castle white university nursing graduation 2018.1. Saúde Coletiva (Barueri), 10(57), 3637–3648.



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