Body, Mind and Movement Circuit in a Municipal Early Childhood Education Center




Health, School, Medicine


Objective: To analyze the contributions of the body, mind, and movement circuit for children aged 2 to 4 years in a Municipal Early Childhood Education Center (CMEI) in Várzea Grande. Method: This is an action research, descriptive with a qualitative approach developed at a CMEI in Várzea Grande in the second half of 2024. The methodology used was problematization, from which other active methodologies were used for the development of the body, mind, and movement circuit. The analysis was content-based and the research was approved by the Ethics and Research Committee under opinion No. 6,823,508. Result: The circuit promoted child development, highlighting the effectiveness of the activities in promoting socialization, self-confidence, and motor skills. These activities provided an environment where children could explore and express their emotions naturally, contributing to the formation of socioemotional competence. Conclusion: The research highlighted the need for educational policies that integrate movement and emotional expression as fundamental parts of the
children's school curriculum and the importance of intersectoral work between health and education.


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How to Cite

Kawakami, R. M. da S. A., Moreira, A. B. F., Fares, A. B., Ferraz, M. E. dos A. S., Guadagnin, M. L. N., Revelles, M. P., Carfi, T. N. L., & Ferreira, P. da S. (2025). Body, Mind and Movement Circuit in a Municipal Early Childhood Education Center. Saúde Coletiva (Barueri), 15(92), 13800–13812.



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