Weaving Care: Embracing Demands to Older Adults in the Light of Therapeutic Monitoring
Health of the Elderly, Primary Health Care, Mental Health, Continuity of Patient CareAbstract
Objective: to report the experience of students and faculty regarding the preparation, planning, and execution of an extension project activity with elderly people in the context of therapeutic accompaniment. Method: experience report on an activity addressing the needs of a group of elderly people, based on therapeutic accompaniment, conducted between July and October 2023. Results: participants emphasized the need for a space for socialization, highlighting the fragility of relationships in old age and their impact on mental health. Topics such as depression and loneliness were addressed. Evaluations indicated a demand for more frequent meetings and musical activities. Conclusion: the importance of therapeutic accompaniment and the promotion of social interaction for the mental health of elderly people is evident. Universities play a crucial role in training professionals to care for this population and in producing knowledge about aging.
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